What does “DOECAA” stand for?

DOECAA stands for “Department of Energy Contractor Attorneys Association”


Who is DOECAA?

DOECAA is a nonprofit association run by volunteer members of the DOE contractor attorney community.


Is DOECAA like an industry trade association?

No. DOECAA is primarily focused on education and building a community of practice among attorneys working in the unique DOE complex. DOECAA does not engage in lobbying, nor does it represent individual members or any contractors or firms in an advocacy role with respect to dealings with the government.


Who is a part of DOECAA?

DOECAA membership is comprised of attorneys practicing in the DOE/NNSA national laboratory complex, production sites and environmental management sites, in-house counsel of companies, universities, and non-profits that contract or subcontract with DOE/NNSA, and outside counsel serving the needs of these clients. 

In addition, while membership is not available beyond the group above, DOECAA welcomes attendance at its events by DOE and other federal attorneys, and non-attorneys who have a substantive role related to legal issues in the DOE complex. 


Who oversees DOECAA?

DOECAA is an independent nonprofit association that is not affiliated with or overseen by the Department of Energy or any companies or contractors. It is managed by a board of directors that is elected by its members.


Why join DOECAA or attend DOECAA events?

The DOE complex is unique, even within the government and among government contractors. DOECAA can help you learn relevant skills to be successful, and shed light on legal topics of interest within the DOE complex. Importantly, DOECAAA also provides a community of practice that facilitates introductions, communication, and collaboration among a network of similarly situated attorneys and other professionals in the complex.  The group also offers the ability for members to share information regarding the management of similar issues, matters and best operational practices. DOECAA provides the only legal forum in the DOE complex that brings together attorneys from the federal government, national laboratories, management and operations contractors, contractors and subcontractors, and law firms to learn and discuss topics of shared interest. 


How much is membership?

Membership, which provides access to the DOECAA website, membership directory, and communications, is free.  DOECAA charges fees for attending most conferences and programming (often with CLE eligible talks) to recover its costs. Those charges vary year-to-year and are different for in-person versus remote attendance.  DOECAA may alter its fee structure in the future.


How often does DOECAA meet?

DOECAA hosts a conference for its members at least once annually, typically in or near Washington, D.C.  Additional conferences are sometimes held in locations around the U.S. Past conferences have included topics and speakers relevant to attorneys practicing in DOE-complex adjacent matters. Past conference topics and materials are available for viewing by DOECAA members on the Archives & Resources tab of this website.


Is any programming available virtually?

Recordings of some past DOECAA conferences are available to DOECAA members on the Archives & Resources tab of this website. DOECAA conferences are typically also made available in remote format for those who cannot attend in person. Finally, DOECAA offers educational, interactive programming from time to time that is generally also available real-time and remotely.


Do members have any obligations?

Members are invited to attend at least one member meeting every year at the annual conference and are eligible to vote in elections and take part in activities as specified in DOECAA’s Articles of Incorporation and bylaws.  Finally and importantly, members are expected to be respectful and welcoming of all participants and other members in the community.


Are there opportunities to get more involved with DOECAA?

Yes, DOECAA relies on member volunteers to chair conferences, serve on committees, organize educational seminars and social events, and speak at conferences, among other things (we’re open to ideas), all of which can lead to other leadership opportunities, such as serving as a board member or officer of DOECAA. If you are interested in getting more involved in some capacity, please contact us at the following site:


How do I register for a membership in DOECAA?

You can register at the following website:


Who can I contact for more information?

You can go to the following site to connect with a DOECAA board member for more information: